Recently, we have received complaints from customers and bought counterfeit Fuji Red Glue products. These counterfeit products deceive the customers of Fuji Red Glue at low prices, and there are serious quality problems, which seriously damage the interests of our company and customers. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of our company and our customers, Fuji Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. solemnly declares as follows:
1. "Seal-glo" is a registered trademark of Fuji Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. and is protected by national laws. For counterfeiting, our company will report to the local industrial and commercial department and reserve the right to sue the people's court. I hope that the counterfeiters immediately stop such behaviors, otherwise our company will investigate them to the end!
2. Fuji Red Glue products are directly shipped from Japan to China, and all products claimed to be imported or smuggled from Hong Kong are counterfeit products;
3. Shenzhen Anda Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is not our authorized distributor, and the company produces counterfeit agency certificates. The so-called "Fuji Red Glue" provided by the company are all fake products, please pay attention to distinguish!
If customers need Fuji Red Glue Seal-glo NE series products, please go to the authorized agent recommended by our company to purchase.
If you have any questions about product quality, packaging, and purchase channels, please feel free to contact our company!
Welcome to provide clues about counterfeit goods, and the telephone number for reporting counterfeit goods: 0512-69219280
For details, please consult:
Fuji Kaimei (Suzhou) Trading Co., Ltd.
Tel: 0512-69219680
Fax: 0512-69219780
Email: [email protected]